22 July 2011

Call for Submissions: Advice You’d Like to Pass on to Others (Dream of Things Anthology)

Post date: 22 July 2011
I recently asked my friends on Facebook what advice they would like to pass on to other people. Below is a sampling of the responses. I think you’ll agree, there are some great bits of advice there. And I bet there’s a story behind every one of them. That’s what I want to hear…what advice do you want to pass on–to your friends, to family, to future generations? And why do you give that advice? What did you experience in your life that made this particular piece of advice so important to you?

Submissions deadline: Open until further notice.

# Be kind
# Be optimistic
# Be helpful
# Do things the right way (no shortcuts)
# Volunteer to help people move
# Always say thank you
# Be honest
# Don’t be afraid
# Always say I love you
# If you have a choice between spending $1200 on a new couch or going to Italy, go to Italy.
# Don’t try to paraphrase Shakespeare. Stick to the original words.
# Don’t be critical of others
# Make music a part of your life

Guidelines for Anthologies

Dream of Things was founded with the intent of publishing anthologies of creative nonfiction that will fill the gap between popular anthologies that publish stories that are “short and sweet” (sometimes so saccharine-sweet they are hard to swallow), and the Best American Essays series, which are typically quite a bit longer. The goal for Dream of Things anthologies is to publish writing that is not short and sweet, but short and deep. With depth comes authenticity. The result is stories that are easier to swallow because they are authentic, and easier to digest because they average 1,250 words in length.

More about “creative nonfiction”: Creative nonfiction to us means true stories told in a creative and compelling manner. The story you submit can be inspiring, heartwarming, humorous or thought-provoking. Most of all, the story you submit should be a story. Tell us the story of a meaningful or humorous experience, or the story of an interesting or colorful person. It’s not enough to simply share your insights and observations; tell us the story of how you learned those lessons. Similarly, it’s not enough to simply write about an interesting person; tell us the story that shows that person at his or her best. The best way to get a feel for the type of writing we are looking for is to read other books that have been published by Dream of Things.

Your story can be anywhere from 500 to 2,500 words long. We accept previously published material as long as you have retained rights to the work. We also accept multiple and simultaneous submissions. You will receive initial notice of Dream of Thing’s interest in 2-3 months, and final notice 1-2 months prior to publication.


Dream of Things pays a royalty of 10% of the cover price on trade paperback books, and a 30% of the net receipts on electronic books. If a hardcover edition is published, Dream of things pays a royalty of 15% of the cover price of the hardcover book. For anthologies, Dream of Things purchases one-time rights. Royalties are paid twice per year. Each author’s share of the royalties is prorated. (Example: If you contribute a story to an anthology that includes a total of 25 stories, you would receive 4% of the royalties for that book.) Authors also receive two free copies upon publication, and a 50% discount on additional copies. For all other books, payment terms and rights are negotiable.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: editor@dreamofthings.com

For submissions: submit here

Website: http://dreamofthings.com
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