04 June 2012

Money for Women/ Barbara Deming Memorial Fund ($500-$1500 grant | fiction/ non-fiction/ poetry projects | USA/ Canada only)

Post date: 04 June 2012
Deadline: 30 June 2012, 31 December 2012

Money for Women is the oldest ongoing feminist granting agency. After Barbara’s Deming’s death in 1984, we became a memorial fund. While other grant sources have come and gone, our fund is in its third decade. We are still feminist and still willing to take risks. The foundation gives encouragement and grants to individual feminists in the arts (writers, and visual artists). The Fund relies on a volunteer Board and judges to collaborate in making awards.


Citizens of the United States and Canada with primary residence in these countries.


June 30th for Nonfiction and Poetry December 31st for Fiction, Visual Art and Mixed Genre (We do not accept electronic applications.)


Small artist support grants ($500 – 1500) to individual feminist women in the arts whose work in some way focuses on women.


Theater, playscripts, videos, work which is or will be self-published. We do not give loans or provide money for educational assistance, work on dissertations or research (except research to be used in writing a book). We do not provide funds for the cost of editing services, business projects, or emergency money for people in need. We rarely give money to groups. Those who have applied for a grant previously must wait two years before reapplying to the fund. Former grantees must wait five years before reapplying.


in funding projects which you have begun or which are well underway and for which you have work to show. We request that the majority of your submitted materials be related to and part of this project. (see the Award Notes for examples of recently funded projects) Please take time to download and read the guidelines and application form carefully. Submissions which do not include the required documents in the requested order may be refused. We do not accept electronic applications -- all materials must be mailed by USPS. Please mail applications only in the months of December and June. Applications with a late postmark will be refused at the post office & returned to you. You will be notified about the grant decision approximately five months after the deadline date.


1. Processing fee: a check drawn on US funds, or money order for $ 20.00 made out to “The Money for Women Fund.” Canadian applicants please read specific instructions on reverse.

2. Three identical sets of materials (except for visual art) collated in the order outlined below, securely clipped or clamped (not bound). Submissions which do not meet these requirements will be rejected. Each of the three sets should contain the following in this order:

- A completed application form. Fill in all blanks as requested.

- A project description: On a separate page, describe the nature of your project and your hopes and expectations for it. Have you done previous work of this sort or pursued special training?
A budget : Tell us about the financial status of your project. How will the grant money be spent? Have you applied to other funds? (Specify) How much money have you raised so far? How much more do you need. The Board rarely gives money at the start of a big project. Apply midway through your project when you have something to show us and when most funds have been secured.

- Your résumé (TWO pages only, include major publications if applicable)

- Work Samples: (15 to 20 pages) This is the heart of your application. The Board wants to see samples of the work for which you are currently seeking funds. Do not send work from previous projects. Be sure each page has your name on it. We will handle your application and work samples with great care, however we cannot be responsible for items lost or damaged in the mail.
  • Writers and Mixed Genre: Three sets required. Fiction, Nonfiction: no smaller than 11 point type, doublespaced; Poetry and Mixed Genre may be spaced as you choose, all MSS. -- no more than 20 typed pages per set.
  • Do not submit photocopies from literary journals or books. We do not return writing samples or mixed genre submissions, do not include an SASE. You may include a self-addressed stamped postcard for notification of application receipt. Mixed Genre may be any combination of visual and textual elements; three collated sets, 20 pages max. and non-returnable.
  • No tapes, videos, CD’s or slides will be accepted for this category.

4. Art: CD, marked with your full name, that can be read by Mac operating systems. Slideshows and PowerPoint presentations are not accepted. Do not send more images as only four will be shown to jury. You may include as a fifth Word attachment, a list of images, dimensions and media for each of the four JPEGS. Each JPEG may be no larger than 1600 pix in any direction. The image resolution must be between 72 and 100 dpi. Each file must be less than 1MB and labeled with the applicant’s last name followed by a period, first initial, underscore and number, for example SMITH.J_1.JPG, SMITH.J_2.JPG. Please send your CD in a paper envelope. Application materials become the property of the fund; do not include an SASE as materials will not be returned.

5. An extra copy of your Application form for the office.

Download: application form for non-fiction/ poetry, for fiction


For queries: demingfund@gmail.com

For submissions: Money for Women/ Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 309, Wilton, NH 03086

Website: http://demingfund.org
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.