Part time writing gig that is seeking people with a passion for Food, Cooking and Grocery products.
Look for the following:
-Ideal candidate has a blog or website dealing with Food, Cooking, and Grocery items and topics as well as writing experience (this includes spelling and grammar).
-Responsive and able to meet deadlines.
-First topic written on would be a spec BUT if published you will be properly paid, if its not its yours to do with it whatever you wish.
-Some understanding of SEO
If you are interested please make sure to adhere to the following format otherwise you risk a slower response time to your inquiry.
-Put "WRITER - Food, Cooking, and Grocery" in the subject line
-A concise summary of your writing experience as well as background with the topic mentioned
-One writing sample
-Links to articles, blogs, etc (if applicable)
Location: USA
Compensation: Rates are dependent on type of writing completed. Can range from Flat Rate, Revenue Sharing, to Revenue Sharing Advance
More information here.
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