You will be describing daily deals with thoroughly researched, informative selling points that range from the straight-forward to the whimsical and bizarre. Avoid marketing clichés, aim for descriptions rooted in complete transparency and embellished with well-crafted absurdities. Your description must achieve two things; first, it must clearly explain the deal and present compelling imagery of what the customer experience will be, second, it must be entertaining to read. Respectable amount of experience is desired, but not necessary, we'll work with anyone who can write succinctly, persuasively, and intelligently.
-This is Freelance Work (And a lot of it, if you're good)
-You will create between 60 and 120 write-ups per month @ $20 per write-up
1. We NEED to see some of your work! Pick a business in Rockville, Do a short write-up about it, something enticing and witty. We want you to make-up what you would think would be a great deal (Like Groupon or Living Social) description for your favorite Rockville business. Here are the guidelines:
*Snappy, pithy writing. Think Esquire. A tad bit snarky, but ultimately fun. Something that makes us laugh, but better yet, makes people buy!
*100-130 (max!!!) words per deal
*For your research: Use merchant website / external review sites / other press
* No titles/deal cost details necessary. We're looking for just the witty deal description.
2. We need a link to your website or some links to see your work
3. You can also send a resume if you'd like
Email mock write-ups, links, and resume to:
Contact Information:
For inquiries:
For submissions:
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