15 July 2011

Content Writers Wanted for Website Project for Women (USA/ UK)

Post date: 15 July 2011
We want to fulfill a website project for women with quality and unique content within a short period of time. We are looking for English native speakers as long-term web content writers. We want you to research and write 20 articles per week, for special categories (e.g. lifestyle, travel, children & family, money & carreer, shopping, health, beauty & fashion, etc.).

Each article should have 250-300 words with high quality and unique content. We will check all articles with copyscape and won`t accept duplicated articles. Furthermore we reserve the right not to accept articles we consider to be low quality or unfit.

Please send us at least one test article, your favorite categories and your bid per article/ batch. We have further long-term projects and will hire you again, if we are satisfied with your work.

Contact Information:

For submissions: apply here
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.