What we need:
1. 'Culture Shock' blogger - We're looking for the Christian version of Perez Hilton, a celebrity/media junky who can write in-depth analysis as the story breaks! The angle will be to debunk the latest in Hollywood/celebrity/media culture - revealing what's actually 'uncool' about it and guide our smart young readers to what is 'cool' for healthy tween/teen girls. We need someone who has their finger on the pulse with the best in Christian entertainment - music, TV, books, Christian celebrity role models, etc.
2. 'Beauty' blogger - We're looking for someone who has insider knowledge about the beauty industry - perhaps you are or were a former model or makeup artist - and have advice and tutorials for young Christian teens who are trying to keep it modest but definitely stylish, affordable and healthy. If you are local to Los Angeles that's a big plus, but if not, that's okay.
Please send links to 3 writing samples and links to social media (Twitter/Facebook), if any. Please paste cover letter and resume into the body of the email.
Culture Shock blogger - compensation for 2 posts/week (8 total per month) at 300-500 words/article is $400, Beauty blogger - compensation for 1 post/week (4 total per month) at 300-500 words/article is $200.
Positions begins ASAP.
Location: anywhere
Telecommuting is ok.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: job-cg2ed-2481806170@craigslist.org
For submissions: job-cg2ed-2481806170@craigslist.org
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.