07 July 2011

Art/ Music/ Fashion Writers Wanted for New Fashion Magazine (rate: $25 per article)

Post date: 07 July 2011
Fashion is architecture, beauty, color, details, fabric, hemlines, necklines but above all, fashion is style! Do you write with your eyes, painting pictures with written words? Do you recognize exceptional people with distinctive style? Do you love covering red carpet events? Do you have an innovative sense of personal fashion style? Can you see how fashion affects all aspects of life?

We're a New York based media company with a brand new fashion magazine/ website. We also produce fashion events such as the New York Fashion Week.

We are looking for:

- Fashion writers
- Life style writers
- Luxury writers
- Men fashion writers
- Music writers
- Art writers

This opportunity starts with a $25 per article from 500 to 750 words count pay scale. Upon proven ability and relationship, starting pay scale may increase.

Please send a resume and three writing samples.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: gigs-p6h7k-2482539025@craigslist.org

For submissions: gigs-p6h7k-2482539025@craigslist.org
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.