Personal essays are first-person accounts of life experiences based on a central theme or idea. Please read a variety of essays from our archive to understand what we are looking for. Our Essay Helps guide may also be useful for you.
We welcome unpublished personal essays as entries for our 2010 contest. Entries may address any subject in harmony with our mission statement. Entries should not exceed 3500 words. Entrants must be female members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the staff and their families are ineligible to enter.
Entries are judged by Segullah editors. The winning author receives the Heather Campbell Award for Excellence in Writing ($100). The winning essay, any honorable mentions, and other contest entries selected for publication will be featured in our Fall/Winter issue. The judges reserve the right to withhold the award if none of the entries merits it.
To enter your essay in the contest, please follow these instructions:
* See style guidelines for instructions on formatting your submission.
* Send your submission in the body of the email, not as an attachment.
* In the email body include your full name, street address, email address, phone number, and your essay’s word count.
* In the email subject line type “Personal Essay Contest,” followed by your full name.
* Send your entry to essay.contest [at] segullah [dot] org. You will receive an automated email response confirming our receipt of your submission.
* Other correspondence regarding the Heather Campbell Essay Contest may be sent to prose.editor [at] segullah [dot] org.
Annual Deadline: December 31
Contest results will be announced in our Spring/Summer issue. Authors of the honored essays will be notified in advance. All essays accepted for publication will be subject to thorough revision under the guidance of an editor.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: prose.editor [at] segullah [dot] org
For submissions: essay.contest [at] segullah [dot] org
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