Gender Across Borders is planning a series about changing gender roles in the workplace and at home.
The general public often hears that today’s women can have it all – a successful career and a happy family. Yet women still earn less money than their male colleagues and few women hold top positions in large companies. Women and men are expected to divide housework and child care, but in reality, many women still do more than their fair share. Men are encouraged to celebrate women’s success in the workplace, yet many still feel this success diminishes their own.
Gender Across Borders is soliciting articles that explore the relationship between gender roles in the workplace and at home. The topic of this series is intentionally broad to capture the diverse experiences of women and men in the workplace and at home.
A broad range of materials in welcome, from personal narratives to academic essays to profiles that focus on particular people or events. Articles from around the world are strongly desired.
Some questions to consider:
-How does culture shape gender roles in the workplace and at home?
-How have gender roles changed over time because of feminist and other influences?
-How do class, race and sexuality influence gender roles in the workplace and at home?
-What does the future hold for women and men in the workplace – and at home?
Deadline to submit an article is December 30, 2010. To apply, please submit your article (300-1500 words) along with a resume or short summary of interests and experiences to Amelia at Articles should include relevant links that provide additional information and an image or video to run with the entry. No prior experience with blogging or professional writing is necessary.
Gender Across Borders anticipates the series will run on January 6 – 7, 2011. All contributors must be available via email for the editing and uploading process (December 30, 2010 – January 5, 2011).
More information here.
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