15 December 2010

Call for Submissions - A Lover's Feast: Sensual Food Tales (Renaissance - Sizzler Editions)

Post date: 15 December 2010
Deadline: 1 March 2011

Call for Submissions - A Lover’s Feast: Sensual Food Tales Edited By A. Rosselini and M.Christian

"Almost every person has something secret he likes to eat."
M.F.K. Fisher (1908-1992)

"Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly."
M.F.K. Fisher, 'An Alphabet for Gourmets'

An anthology of gay, straight, and lesbian stories exploring erotica in the world of, and featuring, the elegant and creative mixing our love of great food with our love of great sex. To be published by Renaissance E Books/Sizzler Editions (http://shop.renebooks.com).

Sex has always been essentially, sensually linked to food. Just think of the terminology we use to describe sex – isn’t most of it the same words we use to describe a fantastic meal, or the act of eating? Men and women, here in almost every country in the world share their passion for a great meal with their love of wonderful sex.

While the tales in this anthology will be about cooking and eating food, they will not take place in just the kitchen or the bedroom. Taking settings and situations from history as well as other cultures that prize the culinary as well as the erotic arts, A Lover’s Feast: Sensual Food Tales will celebrate both food and sex’s preparation, presentation, and enjoyment in many different places and from many different recipes. How does a German woman prepare a succulent Black Forest Cherry Cake? How does an Arabian woman serve her husband behind closed doors? How does the sultan entertain his guests for dinner – does he invite his whole harem or just one special woman?

Both previously published and original works will be considered. Authors are welcome to submit stories, original recipes, and/or both.

If you have questions about whether or not your story may work for this anthology, please contact M.Christian at zobop@aol.com or A. Rosselini at alynrosselini@yahoo.com with your questions or concerns.

Story length: 1,000 to 5,000 words

Deadline for Submissions: March 1, 2011

Payment: $25, paid on publication

Please include A Lover’s Feast Submission: (Your title) in the subject line.

Email submissions should be sent to M.Christian at zobop@aol.com or A. Rosselini at alynrosselini@yahoo.com (rtf format only, be sure to include contact information on all attachments).

More information here.
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