Looking for parenting bloggers, writers, videographers, or people who just think a lot about parenting.
bent spoon Media will publish two pieces (written, or video) chosen from submissions accepted between today, December 7, 2010, and the end of the year, 11:59 PM, December 31, 2010.
The most unique, most clearly presented, and most earnest of the three will be receive top billing on the bentspoon.net home page, $25 cash prize, a bent spoon t-shirt, and bent spoon coffee mug. The runner up using the same criteria will receive either a bentspoon t-shirt, or a bentspoon coffee mug and posting beneath the top entry.
Submit queries or contest submissions to: editor [at] bentspoonmedia [dot] com Use the following subject line: 2010 Spoon Contest Submission
More information here.
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