06 July 2011

Call for Submissions: Bisexual Women-Themed Er0tic Anthology (Cleis Press)

Post date: 06 July 2011
Editor Rachel Kramer Bussel is looking for er0tic stories featuring bis3xual women in all their diversity. The more creative, memorable and h0t, the better. Please avoid clichés, or if you're going to use them, turn them on their heads. I will leave the definition of "bis3xual" up to you; the final anthology will feature a range of characters, settings and scenarios, from those in monogamous relationships to those in open relationships, single women, bicuri0us, etc. Plots centered around identity politics are not desired; these are er0tic stories first and foremost.

Please keep in mind that with an anthology centered around a theme such as this, my job as editor is to create a widely varied collection, so the more unique your story, the better its chances. Stories can be told in first, second or third person POV, but should focus on the experience of a bis3xual woman (whether she identifies as "bis3xual" or not). Though less desired, stories from the viewpoint of the partner of a bis3xual woman will be considered. Authors of all genders and s3xual orientations are welcome. Please see any of my previous anthologies, such as 0rgasmic and Fast Girls, for an idea of the kinds of stories I'm looking for.

Payment: Contributors will receive $50/story and 2 copies of the anthology on publication. Contract is for one-time rights.

How to submit: Include story title and byline at top of first page. Send double spaced Times or Times New Roman 12 point black font Word document (.doc only, NOT .docx) OR RTF of 1,500-4,000 word story. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). US grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) required. Include your legal name (and pseudonym if applicable), mailing address, and 50 word or less bio in the third person to biwomenantho@gmail.com. If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. I will be accepting stories on a rolling basis so the sooner you submit, the better. Cleis Press has final approval over the manuscript so you can expect a final answer by February 2012.

I’ve been seeing numerous recent submissions that do not conform to my guidelines. They are there for a reason and submissions not meeting these guidelines will not be considered. Please read and follow them or risk your submission being rejected or returned for reformatting. If you have any questions, please contact me at biwomenantho@gmail.com

Via: lustylady.blogspot.com

Contact Information:

For inquiries: biwomenantho@gmail.com

For submissions: biwomenantho@gmail.com

Website: http://www.cleispress.com/
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