16 June 2011

Still Open to Submissions: Fairy Tale Review (The Grey Issue)

Post date: 16 June 2011
We are still accepting submissions for the eighth annual issue of Fairy Tale Review, The Grey Issue, to be Guest Edited by Alissa Nutting. This is a themed issue, dedicated to Lost Girls & Boys.

We’re interested in writing that visits and turns on tropes of children and young adults, girls and boys, becoming lost (whether figuratively or literally) in fairy tales and in the contemporary literature that reinterprets or is informed by fairy tales. This includes characters who are separated from parents, who are stuck inside an animal’s stomach, who are faced with bewildering choices, who are running away to or from who-knows-where, who are confused in the forest—lost in any sense, and in any form of writing. Please send poetry, fiction, essays, drama, creative nonfiction, comics, illustration, etc.

The submission period is open until we announce it is closed sometime in spring. We will consider only previously unpublished work and new translations. Please submit work to thegreyissue@gmail.com as word, .doc, .rtf, or .pdf files. Artwork must be in high-resolution (300 dpi or higher) to be considered. The Grey Issue will be published in 2012. All submissions will be responded to within four months of receipt. Simultaneous submissions absolutely accepted; simply let us know as soon as your work under consideration by us is taken elsewhere.

Questions can be directed to thegreyissue@gmail.com

Curious about what we publish? The web edition of The Red Issue is online. Also, the first issue of Fairy Tale Review, The Blue Issue, is available as a free PDF download. Print back issues of Fairy Tale Review are sold out, though some are for sale here albeit at astronomical prices. We hope to have some more copies of The Red Issue delivered to Small Press Distribution, and Weightless Books always has all issues as e-books on hand!

Contact Information:

For inquiries: thegreyissue@gmail.com

For submissions: thegreyissue@gmail.com

Website: http://www.fairytalereview.com/
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