16 June 2011

Call for Submissions: "Crossing Borders" Issue of Hypatia Journal of Feminist Philosophy

Post date: 16 June 2011
Deadline: 15 November 2011

Hypatia seeks papers for a special issue on Crossing Borders featuring important new feminist philosophical scholarship on the issues, theories, and strategies of feminist response to the prospects and problems of globalized relations. Globalization offers many challenges and promises for feminist theory. Feminists in philosophy and related disciplines have responded with a growing literature on global, transnational, post-colonial, and neo-colonial feminisms. Even while social and political borders appear more porous with global communication and transportation, some nation-states are issuing ever more stringent immigration policies or refusing to enter global agreements for the prosecution of transnational crimes. Globalization invites and implores feminist theorists and activists to look beyond national and even regional concerns to scrutinize the implications of theory and action on the lives of women across borders of nation-states, cultural and religious ideologies, global class, race and ethnicity, and other boundaries or margins that might be seen as dividing us in our differences.

Submissions from an array of feminist philosophical perspectives addressing topics related to this theme are welcome. Possible topics include:

* Issues of persons literally crossing borders such as immigration, human trafficking, global care chains, transnational adoption;
* Issues that themselves cross borders of nation-state jurisdiction such as women and Human Security, War, International Law, and Crim3s against Humanity, Vi0lence against Women, War rap3 and gen0cide;
* Feminist theories crossing borders: Third world feminisms & Transnational feminisms, Neocolonialism and feminism, Post-Colonial feminisms;
* Intersection between feminist theory and Border Studies: feminist theoretical responses to Border studies & its canonical texts, Border Studies &Transnational feminism, philosophical narratives of borders in the wake of globalization;
* Reconfiguring political philosophy through feminism: Global feminist coalitions, transnational feminist solidarities, feminism and Global Justice, transnational cyber feminist activism or communities.

Deadline for submission November 15, 2011.

Papers should be no more than 8000 words, inclusive of notes and bibliography, prepared for anonymous review, and accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words. For details please see Hypatia’s submission guidelines.

Please submit your paper to: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/hypa. When you submit, make sure to select “Crossing Borders” as your manuscript type, and also send an email to the guest editor (sally.scholz@villanova.edu) indicating the title of the paper you have submitted.

Please note that the Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST) is sponsoring a conference on the theme “Crossing Borders,” September 22‐25, 2011. For more information and the call for paper for that conference, please visit the conference website.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: sally.scholz@villanova.edu

For submissions: click here

Website: http://depts.washington.edu/hypatia
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