22 June 2011

Freelance Writing for Ask Deanna! Magazine (rate: $100-$150 per article)

Post date: 22 June 2011
Love, Life and Relationships at It’s Best. Ask Deanna! Magazine is a high quality lifestyle magazine that is comprised of 100% eco friendly and recyclable ink and paper materials. Ask Deanna! Magazine is published monthly by Jude Publishing. Articles are written primarily by freelance writers.

Ask Deanna! Magazine covers a mix of relationship issues, sexual advice, dating, parenting tips, health, self-improvement and travel.

Before pitching ideas, please look over a few past copies or visit our website at www.askdeannamagazine.com. We want writers to have a good feel for the structure and flow of the Ask Deanna! Magazine.

To query, send a brief letter explaining your story idea as it relates to a particular section of the Ask Deanna! Magazine. Please include several current clips (please do not send originals) and a paragraph or two outlining your credentials to Editor, Ask Deanna! Magazine, 264 S. LaCienega Blvd# 1283, Beverly Hills, CA 90211.

You may also send queries to info@askdeannamagazine.com. Do not send clips as attachments. First-time writers with no clips may be asked to provide a proposed story on speculation. Please include your contact information with your query, including a physical address and an e-mail address.

Submissions and assignments

Because we are a monthly magazine, issues generally revolve around standard topics as outlined in your magazine sample in addition to other editorial ideas. In order to remain current, we work two to four months in advance and copy deadlines are two months prior to publication dates.

Payment is $150 for articles 1,000 words and over; $100 for articles less than 1,000 words. We pay on publication. Ask Deanna! Magazine buys all rights, although there can be some exceptions.

Send the article as a Word Document. Please include all the necessary information such as any sidebars, author’s bios, your byline, contact information and a thoughtful title. You are also encouraged to send your headshot. You will receive writers credit in the table of contents. Be sure your facts are correct and names/places are spelled correctly. Please provide contact numbers for people interviewed or paraphrased for the article. Quotes always spice up an article and lend credibility to the subject.

Ask Deanna! Magazine
264 S. LaCienega #1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Contact Information:

For inquiries: info@askdeannamagazine.com

For submissions: info@askdeannamagazine.com

Website: http://www.askdeannamagazine.com
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.