16 June 2011

Call for Essays: Women in Early America (New York University Press)

Post date: 16 June 2011
This project, Women in Early America, is an anthology on women in America from contact through the Revolutionary era. Proposals for essays that employ a transnational approach and that rewrite master narratives are especially encouraged. As the volume is largely intended for use in undergraduate courses, essays that are written for that audience and that address major themes in women’s and gender history courses are also particularly desirable.

New York University Press has expressed strong interest in publishing this project. I’m in the process now of soliciting proposals for chapters so that I may put together a book prospectus within the next few months to secure a contract. If you are interested in proposing an essay for this volume, please send an abstract and cv to tfoster4@depaul.edu.

The collection will showcase the latest research of junior and senior historians. It will draw from recent scholarship informed by women’s and gender history including feminist theory, gender theory, new cultural history, social history, and literary criticism.

This book will be of interest to specialists and non-specialists alike. It will serve as a useful anthology in courses on the history of women and gender. It will be especially useful for courses that seek to incorporate women into histories of colonial and Revolutionary America – as well as for courses in US Women’s history that wish to broaden their focus to include early American women. It will, therefore, be of interest to academic audiences and to popular audiences interested in women’s and gender history and early American history.

The collection will be approximately 350 pages in length. I hope to have completed submissions by late fall 2012. The manuscript will be completed by Spring 2013.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: tfoster4@depaul.edu

For submissions: tfoster4@depaul.edu
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