20 September 2010

Desert Breeze Seeks Romance Submissions

Post date: 20 September 2010
Deadline: open

At Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc., we are seeking manuscripts from novella length (between 25,000 and 35,000 words approximately) to super novel length (exceeding 100,000 words), with a preference for novels between 65,000 and 90,000 words. We are more than willing to accept queries on book series, and will consider a series concept when at least one book is completed and the series has been thoroughly formulated.

We are not seeking anything shorter than 25,000 words, with a strong preference for manuscripts of at least 30,000 words.

We will review previously published manuscripts; however, proof of release must be provided. We prefer to see some new material along with your previously published manuscripts.

We are looking for submissions in all of the following romance sub-genres:

* Contemporary Romance
* Romantic Suspense
* Romantic Comedy/Humorous Romance
* Inspirational/Christian Romance
* Fantasy Romance
* Paranormal Romance
* Science Fiction Romance/Futuristic Romance
* Steampunk Romance
* Modern Cowboy Romance
* 20th Century Historical Romance
* Historical Romance (Prior to the 1900's)

And while we're actively seeking all genres, there are a few types of submissions that would really excite us!

Do you have a historical romance set within the first half of the 20th Century? Perhaps during The Great Depression or World War I/World War II? The setting does not have to be limited to the United States, but anywhere in the globe affected by these world-altering timeframes. Do you have a romance set around the Korean or Vietnam Wars? These are largely untapped timeframes with a growing market.

Have you written an epic science fiction or futuristic book series? A Space Opera? Or even a single title novel of the genre? Steampunk is a new and upcoming genre that we're definitely interested in exploring.

We would like to see both single title -- as well as series -- romantic suspense novels, especially with characters who serve in law enforcement, civil service, or the military. And that's not just limited to the heroes. We'd love to see books where the heroine is the one doing the saving and protecting, or works beside the hero in an equal position.

Have you written an intricate fantasy series with a cast of characters fighting for the greater good, and falling in love along the way?

We are actively seeking inspirational novels with a bit more real world flair. It's not always easy being a Christian, and we would like to see novels that express that.

And cowboys... we love modern-day cowboys. Sometimes they're on the ranch and sometimes they're outside their element... but they always say 'ma'am' and they know how to look darn sexy in cowboy boots.

We publish romances from sweet to intense, as long as it fits the story. Desert Breeze Publishing does not publish erotica or erotic romance.

Sex shouldn't be what brings them together, or pulls them apart, and it shouldn't be the 'solution' to whatever problem they encounter. Here's an easy guideline... If you can't give us a short synopsis for your novel without explaining how sex moves the plot, or is vital to the plot, or if the plot would come to a halt if the two people didn't have sex, then the manuscript may not be a good fit at Desert Breeze.

We like to say that we offer classic romance, not always in classic settings. To us, classic romance means the love is a growing process. There's the fluttering heart at a brush of a hand, the blush at a soft glance -- the 'romance' of romance, if you will. Now, just because the hero is a 500 year old Vampire and the heroine has been raised as a Vampire Slayer... not very 'classic' -- that doesn't mean their love story can't be classic.

What we want and what we do not want at Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc.

We want original. However, 'original' walks a fine line sometimes with 'way way way outside the box'. Don't take a bunch of concepts and toss them in a blender, and hope that the ending result is an interesting novel. There are only so many story concepts in the world... make yours more unique and interesting than anyone else's. Adding too many elements to add interest often only results in confusion.

We want romance that touches our hearts and makes us want to turn the virtual page.

We want characters we can fall in love with ourselves. That doesn't always mean they're perfect... perfect is usually boring. Imperfection just means they're endearing in some other way.

We want to live the experience of falling in love right along with your characters. Make it real. Show us.

We want your book to be polished and edited within an inch of its life when you submit it to us. While we will not reject a manuscript because we see some structural flaws -- excessive grammatical and craft issues will be taken into consideration when deciding whether a manuscript will be offered a contract. Your submitted query should adhere to our style guidelines as specified here (POV, active voice, etc). If we determine too much editorial work is required, we may either request the work be done and you resubmit, or we may reject outright. Let your story not be overshadowed by poor editing.

We want active voice storytelling, no passive voice. Show us what's happening -- let us experience it, interpret it, and live it -- don't just tell us.

We prefer all books to be told in third person point of view, and require that each scene remain in a single point of view for the duration of the scene. No head hopping and no omniscient POV. We are not excluding first person point of view, but your story must truly grab us. Romantic comedy and humorous romances have worked well in first person. While we are flexible on first person vs. third person, we are unwavering on our POV expectations.

As mentioned, we are not publishing erotica or erotica romance.

We do not want books laden with Purple Prose to avoid being too explicit or sexual.

We are not publishing gay, homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual, multiple partners, BDSM or other alternative lifestyles romances. This is a preference, and not a statement of morality.

We are also not looking for young adult or children's books, or autobiographies, poetry, self-help or non-fiction.

This should go without saying in most cases, but certain story elements will immediately exclude a manuscript from consideration: pedophelia, bestiality, incest, necrophilia, non-consensual sex in any context (rape, forced seduction, etc) as a means of forwarding a potential romance, and intolerance for any group classification.

Should you have any questions about our guidelines, or whether an element of your novel is either acceptable or unacceptable prior to submitting to us, please feel free to email us at SubmissionQuestions@DesertBreezePublishing.com.

Submission Process

We ask that all submissions follow the guidelines as presented in the next section. We previously allowed simultaneous submissions, but we've been burned in the process. So, we have adopted a No Simultaneous Submissions policy. Multiple submissions to Desert Breeze is perfectly fine.

Once the manuscript has been read, you will either receive an offer to publish or a declination with as much explanation as to why we are rejecting as we can offer. We thoroughly believe in offering whatever guidance we can. On some occasions, an initial rejection may be given with the caveat that if certain changes or edits are done we will entertain reviewing the manuscript again. In this situation, you will be advised as to how to resubmit your manuscript. We ask that you resubmit only if invited to do so.

When a contract is offered, you will receive information on cover art creation, the editing schedule and procedure, and a release date. You will be provided detailed information on manuscript formatting, and all manuscripts must be updated by the author to meet these guidelines prior to the beginning of formal edits.

Send all submissions to Submissions@DesertBreezePublishing.com.

Submission Guidelines

In the subject line, please include the name of the manuscript and your intended genre.

Please include a query letter in the body of your email. In the query letter, please provide the following information:

* The manuscript title. If this is in a series, please provide the name of the series.
* The manuscript genre
* The manuscript word count - use the Word Count Tool in your word processing program.
* A 100-word blurb about the manuscript.
* Any publishing credits you may already have. Being previously published is not a requirement.
* Any acknowledgments, nominations or rewards you may have received.
* Please provide your website address and the best email through which to contact you.
* Finally, tell us why you feel DBP is a good fit for your manuscript.

Please attach two (or three if applicable) separate files in .doc format.

* The complete manuscript
* A fully-detailed synopsis of the manuscript, with a maximum double-spaced length of 10 pages. Do not leave unanswered questions. Provide the main characters, the setting, the pertinent and important events, the conflict and the resolution.
* If your manuscript is part of a series, please include a short synopsis of the series including any pertinent story arcs that tie the books together. This synopsis should not be longer than 2-3 double-spaced pages.
* All files should be named to indicate the content with book title and your name.

More information here.
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