Please be advised that we have moved all posts to our new blog, Writers For Diversity. If you are looking for opportunities for women writers only, there is a "for women writers" tab in the navigation bar over at the new blog. To our e-mail subscribers, please re-subscribe using the "subscribe by e-mail" link at ...
03 July 2012
16 June 2012
Freelance Writers Wanted for Authenticity for Women (pay: $50-$150 for initial submissions | anywhere)
Authenticity for Women will begin publication Fall 2012 as an exciting alternative to encourage and support women in pursuit of a TRADITIONAL lifestyle.This is a totally new concept and publication effort, with an opportunity to get in on the ground floor, and grow as we grow. Submissions should promote traditional/conservative choices, without ...
15 June 2012
Lit Undressed Seeks Work Inspired by "Women in Disguise"
Deadline: 15 August 2012Lit Undressed is looking for poetry and short-short fiction (maximum of 400 words) inspired by “women in disguise”. Send your work and a 50-word bio to by August 15th. Selected pieces will be performed live by nude figure models at the fourth installment of Lit Undressed in fall.CONTACT INFORMATION:For ...
Call for First-Person Essays from Women - Stepping Up: Stories of Blended Families (paying market: $100 per story | US)
Deadline: 30 September 2012Samantha Ducloux Waltz is seeking first-person essays from women who are or have been part of stepfamilies that are nurturing places and also stepfamilies where family members must find ways to rise above the challenges they face/d at home. She is looking for a diversity of voices and welcome submissions from a variety ...
Bloggers/ Stringers Wanted for Major Women's News and Lifestyle Site (pay: $25 per post | telecommute)
An editor at a major women's Internet news and lifestyle site (one of the top four brands on the web in both news and lifestyles) is looking, essentially, for bloggers/stringers in a couple of categories, to write quick-turnaround, reported, sourced daily news posts on women's fashion, beauty and other topics. This is an opportunity for young or ...
14 June 2012
Heiress Productions Playwriting Competition 2012
Deadline: 1 August 2012Heiress Productions, Inc is a not-for-profit organization committed to raising cancer awareness and funds through entertaining and inspirational professional theater productions.Heiress Productions is now accepting submissions for its 2012 Playwriting Competition! Here’s how to enter:Scripts should be full-length and mostly comedic ...
Free to Enter: Goethe Institut's Modern Grimm Fairy Tale Writing Competition (win a trip to/ language course in Germany | New Zealand writers only)
Deadline: 1 July 2012This year is the 200th anniversary of the Brothers Grimm’s book of fairy tales. These storytelling treasures have influenced many of the greatest modern writers, including our own Katherine Mansfield and Janet Frame.We invite you to write a Grimm fairy tale for modern Aotearoa New Zealand. Your story can work with local or ...