Call 708 345-5933 to let us know you are coming. Contact to submit material for the Anthology.
A community gathering of the sources for documenting and sharing the story of Italian women in Chicago. Gloria Nardini, Christine Ruscitti, Jeanette Risatti Viehman, Kimberly Palmisano, and Dominic Candeloro invite the IA community to bring in photos, documents, memorabilia, clippings, and other resources for possible use in an upcoming book on Italian women in Chicago slated for publication by Casa Italia
Our goal is to preserve and illuminate the full story of what it was like to be an Italian woman in Chicago over the decades and over the generations. The time has come for us to preserve these precious stories---our heritage---between the covers of a book, or risk losing them. Won't you please help? Attend the meeting and/or submit something for possible use in the final publication. We welcome all submissions and they will become part of the physical Casa Italia Archives and ALL submissions will either be published in the book or posted on the Casa Italia Library website, Chicago Italian Archives. The best submissions will be those that tell a good story, that delve into changing roles of women in the Italian family and American society, and that relate to the ethnic identity. We will only publish a limited number of contributions that consist of simple listings of accomplishments, tributes, obituaries, eulogies, or resumes.
We want to involve the whole community along with writers, scholars and researchers to come up with an Anthology of writings about the full range of Italian women who lived in the metropolitan area starting from the earliest emigration to 2000. Contributions should be shorter than 3000 words and they can be essays, fiction, short stories, personal reminiscences, collections of letters, short biographies, family histories, scrapbooks, academic studies, bibliographies and poetry about folklore, prominent leaders, mothers, politicians,writers, religious leaders, healers, entrepreneurs, achievers and just plain interesting people.
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