We are currently offering a part-time PAID position for defined content management tasks, but responsibilities (and compensation) can be easily expanded upon proven performance. Pay will begin at $100/week.
Job Description: Applicants will compete a short training on our content management system and then be expected to refresh standard content each morning, M-F. Standard content includes: (a) top NFL headlines from national and local newspaper websites; (b) "tweets of the day" from players and prominent media members; (c) a daily "linkfest" of off-beat stories or videos from prominent blogs; and, if time allows, (d) editing and posting original content from contributors. The hours will be determined by the time it takes to complete the daily refresh, but the expectation is that, after a learning curve, tasks will take 2-3 hours each morning and be completed by 9am eastern. We are looking for someone to start ASAP.
The ideal candidate will be possess the following traits (listed in order of importance):
1. A deep knowledge of the NFL on a national level, including both the substantive aspects of the game and the important stories garnering media (and blog) coverage
2. Experience and/or aptitude in utilizing a content management system (e.g., back-end of a website) to update content
3. Other technical proficiencies such as Photoshop, HTML coding, and SEO
4. Familiarity with social media and ways to promote the site via the web
5. A creative thinker/writer with ideas for original content
6. An entrepenuerial spirit to be a part of growing an internet start-up
Compensation: $100/week
Telecommuting is ok.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: job-5ntvu-2513843158@craigslist.org
For submissions: job-5ntvu-2513843158@craigslist.org
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