09 June 2011

Call for Submissions: Circle Sanctuary

Post date: 09 June 2011
Deadline: 8 July 2011 (fall 2011 issue), 20 September 2011 (winter 2011 issue), 21 December 2011 (spring 2012 issue)

The following sections regularly appear in CIRCLE Magazine. Please send in material for these sections as well as for the Forum Topic for each issue. Frequently, the material included in these sections relates to the Forum Topic, but this is not necessary. Also send photographs and artwork for each section.

Bardic Voices: Words and musical score for songs and chants. Fiction which could be used in storytelling. Reviews of Pagan recordings, as well as information (articles and photographs) about Pagan musicians and others working in the Bardic Tradition. Articles and photographs about present Pagan Bards that describe who they are, the creativity behind their Bardic magic, any recordings they have done, and where they will be performing in the near future.

Celebrating the Seasons: Invocations, poetry, short articles, rituals, and artwork of a seasonal nature.

Ecomagic: Reports of individual and/or group environmental projects, rituals, and other activities that have a spiritual component. Activities can be those you have coordinated and/or participated in.

Family Focus: Articles about the spiritual dimensions of family life; meditations, rituals, storytelling, music, and theater for youth and/or the whole family; reviews of relevant books and other resources; and descriptions of spiritual exercises or spiritual crafts for family members of all ages.

Gatherings: Announcements of regional, national, and international festivals, conferences, and gatherings that bring together Nature Spirituality people of many paths.

Herbcraft: Recipes for incense, oils, teas, amulets, and other herbal preparations for healing and helping magic. Be sure to include specific information on amounts of herbs needed and methods of preparation and use. Also articles regarding the lore associated with healing and helping herbs.

Inner Journeys: Transcripts of guided meditations, pathworkings, trance, and other spiritual activities for facilitating consciousness exploration. Include complete and clear instructions so that someone would be able to carry it out.

Invocations: Invocations to the Elements, to Deities, to Nature Spirits, etc. Incantations or spellworking chants can be for singing or speaking and can be accompanied by instructions for use. We publish seasonal poetry or poetry related to the theme of the Forum section. Please do not send us other kinds of poetry.

Lady Liberty League Report: The Lady Liberty League is a referral network of volunteers affiliated with Circle Network interested in helping out with Wiccan/Pagan/Nature Spirituality religious freedom cases. Send press clippings, reports, or tips about religious freedom cases.

Leader Skills: Leadership training articles for and by Pagan elders, group leaders, and teachers.

Magicraft: Articles about magic and transcripts of rituals, spells, meditations, and other spiritual work you have successfully performed. Include complete and clear instructions so that someone would be able to carry it out.

Nature Communion: Send us accounts of Nature mystic experiences, meditations, rituals, and other sacred activities involving contact with Nature spirits and/or oneness with Nature as a whole. Illustrations with Nature mystic themes are also welcome.

Nature Religions Around the World: News reports and other accounts of traditional and contemporary Nature Religions as they are currently being practiced by individuals and groups in various countries, bioregions, or other geographical areas.

Pagan Primer: Rituals, meditations, and articles suitable for those beginning their studies and practice of Paganism.

Pagan World News: Networking news and reports of efforts to broaden public understanding of Wiccan Spirituality and other forms of Paganism. Send us newsclippings, magazine articles, summaries of radio and television coverage, and reports of other positive efforts for both this column and our archives.

Pantheon: Articles exploring Deities, sacred concepts, beliefs, myths, symbols, and practices connected with various Pagan religions, ancient and contemporary, around the world.

Passages: Timely announcements of births, child blessings, coming of age ceremonies, weddings, handfastings, funerals, and other rites of passage you have performed or been a part of. Remember to include the names of principle people involved, locations and dates.

Rites of Passage: Transcripts of personal and community rituals and meditations that mark and facilitate transitions in the human life cycle. Include complete and clear instructions so that someone would be able to carry it out.

Ritual Tools: Articles, artwork, and/or photographs describing the creation and/or use of ceremonial tools in personal/group rituals, meditations, magical workings, and/or other forms of spiritual practice.

Sacred Sites: Articles, artwork, and photographs of sacred places. The places can be indoors or outdoors, and either naturally occurring or created by humans. Describe your impressions of the place and its spiritual significance, past and present.

Scholars Speak: Academic papers and reports pertaining to ancient and/or contemporary Paganism, Shamanism, Goddess Spirituality, Ecofeminism, and other forms of Nature Spirituality.

Traditions: Descriptions, artwork, and photographs of traditions, philosophy, symbols, customs, or other spiritual practices associated with a particular Wiccan, Druidic, Shamanic, Pagan, or other Nature religion group, community, denomination, or path.
Submission Guidelines:

Please comply with the following guidelines in submitting material for possible publication in CIRCLE Magazine.

Identification of your material:

Include your legal name, address, phone, and email for our records on all material you submit. If you wish to be published under a different name, clearly indicate that on your material, too. Also let us know which of your contact information we can publish, otherwise, we will just list your city and state. Submission of a brief biographical paragraph is optional.

Deadlines and Forum Topics:

Deadlines and forum topics are published at the top of this page, as well as in the current issue of CIRCLE Magazine.

Text Submissions

Send us articles that are 2000-3000 words (approximately 4-10 typed, double-spaced pages). Longer articles are also accepted, depending on the content. Please do not send handwritten material. We encourage submissions through our online submission form, or via email to editor@circlesanctuary.org. The preferred format for submissions is: Microsoft Word, single-spaced, 11-point Times New Roman. Please send any images or clip-art in the highest resolution you can manage, in the form of .GIF, .TIF, .PNG or .JPG files - - but not embedded within the Word document.

Typed hard-copy articles will be scanned, so please note the following: (1) double-spaced pages typed in a standard font with no corrections are requested; (2) do not submit on colored paper; (3) do not use an artistic font, such as a script font; and (4) do not type in all capitals. Articles appearing in our magazine may also be posted to our website. We will assume we have your permission to do this, unless you inform us otherwise at the time of submission.

Image Submissions

Artwork should be black and white, or gray scale images. Color art or photos will be scanned as gray scale images. Originals may be submitted, as well as high-quality reproductions. All photographs should be good contrast color, or black and white. If submitting as computer files, be sure they are in the form of .GIF, .TIF, .PNG or .JPG files, and as large as you can manage. Use our online submission form, or send to editor@circlesanctuary.org.

Cover Art

Cover art should relate to the forum topic of the issue in which it is included. If you wish color art to be considered for an upcoming cover, please send a reproduction of the art and a description of the original so that we can determine its potential as a cover.


Provide references for all material that is not your own thinking, or for any material that is quoted or referred to in your article. Be sure to include the author's full name, title, year published, page numbers, publisher, and publisher's city.


We reserve the right to edit and/or crop all material submitted to us. Usually we edit for length, clarity, and errors in spelling or grammar. We will never knowingly change your meaning.


Most of our content is creative and inspirational in tone. We will publish material dealing with "dark-side" issues (anger, persecution, fear, violence, etc.) provided it includes techniques for creatively using or transforming these, or solicits ideas for doing so. We also print controversial articles and debates, provided they are of keen interest to most readers and show respect for people with other viewpoints. We do not print material denouncing or ridiculing other religions or traditions, even those which have been historically at odds with Pagan or Magical ways.

Publication Rights

Rights to all material submitted to us return to the creator automatically after publication in our magazine. However, Circle retains the right to re-publish material in electronic form in the future. If material you are submitting to us has been published before, you must indicate where, when, and the status of publication rights when submitting it to us. Also, please provide similar information if your submission is being considered for publication elsewhere. We prefer to include material never before published and not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Return of Material

We will return material only upon request, if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient return postage.

Acknowledgment of Submissions

Upon receipt of your submission, you will receive acknowledgment that your material has been accepted for consideration. Due to the demands upon staff time, you will not receive further acknowledgment regarding the publication status of your material. You will be contacted if any special considerations need to be dealt with before an article or artwork can be published. Some fine articles and artwork remain in the files for awhile awaiting the opportune time for publishing. While we do not publish all material we receive, we do carefully review all contributions and appreciate your support. If you have questions concerning the publication status of your material, feel free to contact us.


You will receive two complimentary copies of the CIRCLE Magazine that your material was included in. Circle does not provide cash payments or barter arrangements for articles or artwork.

Upcoming Forum Topics:

Fall 2011: Magical Song & Chants / Deadline: July 8, 2011

Use of sacred chanting and singing in ritual, voice expression of Spirit, experiences with Pagan chants & music.

Winter 2011: Kitchen Witchery / Deadline: September 20, 2011

Magic in the kitchen, ritual foods, cooking and household enchantments in spiritual work.

Spring 2012: Urban Magic / Deadline: December 21, 2011

Pagan practice in the city, working with Nature in metropolitan environments, living as a modern Witch in a fast-moving technical world.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: editor@circlesanctuary.org

For submissions: editor@circlesanctuary.org

Website: http://www.circlesanctuary.org/
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