The Student Award for the Health and Dignity of Women will recognize one student who demonstrates commitment to women’s health (i.e. safe motherhood, family planning, HIV prevention) and/or the promotion of rights of women (i.e. prevention of gender-based violence, promotion of education for women/girls).
The winner will receive:
1. An expense-paid week long trip to a low-income country; the winner will travel with
Americans for UNFPA staff and other engaged Americans to increase your global
understanding of the health and rights of women. You will visit women’s income
generation projects, maternity hospital clinics where fistula treatment is provided, and innovative HIV prevention outreach.
2. Guest blog on and about your trip, and possible media interviews.
3. The opportunity to lobby your Representatives in Congress and the U.S. Senate about your trip and the need for U.S. support for UNFPA.
4. The winner will be the host of an on-campus awareness-building event about global women’s health and dignity in the year after you return from your trip. Americans for UNFPA staff will work with you to help prepare for this event and for your lobby visits to local elected officials.
5. The winner will receive a $1,000 stipend.
The award winner must be a full-time, non-graduating, undergraduate student in the United States with a demonstrated interest and commitment to improving her contribution to the health and rights of women. The Awardee must be a citizen of the United States. Nominees should:
* Hope to improve the ways that government agencies, non-profit organizations, or educational institutions support the health and dignity of women;
* Have community service or extra curricular experiences that demonstrate an interest in collaboration, activism, leadership and/or global change;
* Be a culturally sensitive, open-minded, team player with values consistent with UNFPA’s mission;
Short essays, reference info and resume must be received by December 10, 2010 at noon by:
Americans for UNFPA Attn: Student Award
370 Lexington Ave, Suite 702 New York, New York 10017
Or via email to Email submission is preferred.
Americans for UNFPA will cull the nominations to the 12 most inspiring essays. A selection committee of individuals with expertise in the health and rights of women will select the winner from this pool. The contest winner will be announced on January 14, 2011. For the latest details on the contest visit or our page on facebook.
Applicants are welcome to provide additional information; however, decisions will be made primarily on the answers to the two essay questions. Applicants are encouraged to visit to learn more about the mission of the organization. Though health and rights of women involve many issues, please target your essay to address one or more of the following: safe motherhood, family planning, HIV prevention, prevention of gender-based violence and promotion of education for women/girls. The United Nations does not promote abortion and as such, we ask that you refrain from discussing this topic in your essays.
* Discuss why the American people and our government should support UNFPA in its mission to improve the health and rights of women around the world. (300-500 words);
* Discuss how you personally hope to play a role in improving the rights and reproductive health of women worldwide, and how experiencing UNFPA programs firsthand would make you a better advocate than you currently are. (300-500 words);
More information here.
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