WomensMemoirs.com is sponsoring a memoir writing contest in which you get to tell your favorite holiday story. We have a few rules. After all, that’s what makes it a contest. As with all our contests, there are no entry fees.
So bring out your stories, write them down, polish them, and then submit to:
matilda at womensmemoirs dot com. You know how to make the substitutions to turn that into an email address.
Here are the guidelines:
1. A memoir vignette that is a story. By that we mean it has a beginning, a middle (or turning point), and an ending. You might think of this as a story with events and consequences. It definitely isn’t a “this happened and then this happened and then this happened.”
2. A recipe. This might be a treasured family recipe or it might be your recipe or it might be a recipe that one of your children always liked. It just needs to be a recipe related to the story although the recipe doesn’t have to be the focus of the story.
3. Several photographs. We’d like jpg versions of your photos. Hopefully you will find a few family pictures that let us share in that holiday with you. If you have a photo of the prepared recipe that would also be wonderful.
The rules are overly strict. We like stories that are in the 1000-1500 word length. However, a great story that is shorter will also be fine. Photographs? We’d like several of you and/or your family and/or the featured recipe, but if you don’t have a picture of the completed recipe that’s all right. Well, I guess we do have one strict rule. We need a recipe.
A well-written story sharing a holiday (or birthday) experience is the point of this contest.
Do you have friends who write? Please share the contest information with those in your writing group or friends you know who write. We will welcome their contest entries.
And remember. There are no contest fees. This is a perfect opportunity to get your writing “out there.” You have nothing to lose and something to gain.
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.