14 September 2010

Call for Papers: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus

Post date: 14 September 2010
Deadline: 7 October 2010

Call for Papers and Panels
2011 Central States Communication Association Conference-Milwaukee, WI


April 5-10, 2011

The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus welcomes submissions of papers and panel proposals for the 2011 CSCA Conference.

Papers: The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus is seeking cutting edge research regarding sex, gender, and sexuality to program for the 2011 conference. All paradigms and methodologies are welcome, and a top paper award will be assessed. Papers can follow APA, MLA, or Chicago styles, and must be the original work of the author(s). Please send your submission to tony.e.adams@gmail.com as two Microsoft Word 2003 (.doc or .rtf) files, with the first file containing a title page with author name(s) and contact information and the second file containing the text of the paper. All author-identifiers should be removed from the second file (excluding previous scholarly works cited in the paper and listed in the references section). The e-mail subject line should be the title of the paper. Papers not meeting these submission guidelines will not be distributed for review.

Panels: The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus welcomes submissions of academic panel proposals, roundtable discussions, and other programming proposals beneficial to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and otherwise queer individuals and communities. Please send all submissions to tony.e.adams@gmail.com as a Microsoft Word 2003 (.doc or .rtf) file. Proposals need a title, brief abstract, designated person in charge of the program, and names/contact information for each session participant (including whether or not the participants are CSCA members). Panel proposals must include the 2011 CSCA Panel Proposal Request Form (available at (http://www.csca-net.org/).

NOTE: The only media available at the conference will be a projector for laptop computers.

Paper and Panel submissions must be received by October 7, 2010.

Questions? Contact Tony Adams at tony.e.adams@gmail.com

Tony E. Adams, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication, Media & Theatre
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 N. St. Louis Ave., FA 240
Chicago, Illinois 60625

More information here.
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