14 September 2010

Call for Papers: Early Career Feminist Paper Workshop

Post date: 14 September 2010
Deadline: 31 October 2010

The Osgoode Institute for Feminist Legal Studies and Canadian Journal of Women and the Law are pleased to invite participation in an Early Career Feminist Workshop to be held June 17, 2011 in Toronto. Deadline for proposals is October 31, 2010.

Through this event, the IFLS and CJWL aim to provide a venue for feminist colleagues to come together and exchange ideas, and to create a unique mentorship opportunity which will encourage early career academics in the production of excellent scholarly work suitable for publication in the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law.

PDF Copies of the call/appel are available through these links (for printing/sharing). IFLS CJWL English IFLS RFED francais


The workshop is open to pre-tenure scholars who are currently teaching in a Canadian university, whose research and writing engages with law (and society) and who bring feminist perspectives to bear on their work.

We welcome proposals from scholars working in law schools, law and society programs, sociology or criminology departments, and any other areas of the academy where law and feminism are being explored in a critical and rigorous way.

If your paper proposal is selected, you will be required to provide the paper by April 15 2011. Each paper/scholar will be matched with a senior expert in the field. This expert will lead our workshop conversation about the paper.

Applying(Deadline: October 31, 2010)

To apply, please email pdf copies of:

1. paper proposal in English or French (maximum 500 words); and

2. curriculum vitae

to Lielle Gonsalves by October 31, 2010. The re: line should read “Application for IFLS CJWL early career workshop”. Participants will be selected by a joint committee of the IFLS/CJWL in December, 2010.
Workshop Details

Date: June 17 2011

NB: the date of this workshop does not conflict with:

Congress 2011 of Social Sciences and the Humanities in Moncton NB (May 28-June 5); The LSA meetings (June 2-5, San Francisco); or the Women’s Worlds conference being held in Ottawa (3-7 July 2011)

Location Toronto – Glendon Campus of York University (Osgoode will be under renovation)

At this one day workshop, we will be discussing six (6) papers, with time included for other conversation and socializing with the other participants in the workshop. Breakfast, lunch, and a celebratory dinner will be provided to participants. Accommodation for one night for those travelling to Toronto will be provided. We will cover travel costs within Canada.

Please contact Sonia Lawrence, Director, Institute for Feminist Legal Studies & Case Comments Editor, CJWL; Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall 416 736 5562 slawrence@osgoode.yorku.ca

In addition, the Osgoode Institute for Feminist Legal Studies is planning a workshop on teaching feminism in the legal academy, to be held on June 16, 2011 – the day before this Early Career Feminist Workshop. Stay tuned to http://ifls.osgoode.yorku.ca) on this event. Those attending the EARLY CAREER FEMINIST WORKSHOP will be encouraged to consider attending both events.

More information here.
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