15 July 2011

Writer with Personality Wanted for Dating/ Relationship Blog for Women

Post date: 15 July 2011
I'm looking for a writer with personality, creativity, and who has a PASSION for writing and creating. Off the wall. The topic is dating/relationships and geared towards women 20-35. I'm looking for someone who makes content JUMP, stuff you can't stop reading, and most definitely humor. Check out this link and her style www.themiddlefingerproject.org

What you'll be doing:

Creating a series of 9 newsletters, and blogging twice weekly, you will have the reigns. We will come up with topics and ideas and you'll be in charge!

IF you think you have what it takes - shoot me an email. Send me your blog and links - show me why I should hire you!

Location: anywhere.

Compensation: send rates.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: gigs-33n2f-2496257893@craigslist.org

For submissions: gigs-33n2f-2496257893@craigslist.org
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.