06 July 2011

Call for Op-Ed Articles: Real Weddings Magazine (rate: $250) - Canada/ anywhere

Post date: 06 July 2011
Deadline: 31 July 2011

Real Weddings Magazine is looking for submissions of well written op-ed articles relevant to engaged couples. At 750-900 words in length, this column features a first-person story about some aspect of your wedding that stands out in memory and is story-worthy, something that would make our readers laugh, cry or identify. What we're not looking for is a recounting of your actual wedding, UNLESS there is a particularly story-worthy angle to it. Rather, this piece will focus on a tangent related to the wedding, something that made you pause and reflect, or brought home some significant meaning.

Please note that we are looking for completed stories only, submitted on speculation. We're not looking for story ideas, nor brief synopses of your op-ed. If you care to write it and submit it on spec, we will be glad to look it over. However, due to the sheer volume of submissions we receive, we will only respond to those writers whose stories we are interested in publishing.
Check out our previous op-ed column at www.realweddings.ca , click on current issue and browse to page 20.

Please submit story ideas by email only with the words RW Op Ed in the header, no later than July 31.

Location: anywhere

Compensation: $250

Contact Information:

For inquiries: job-6r3gz-2480461723@craigslist.org

For submissions: job-6r3gz-2480461723@craigslist.org

Website: http://www.realweddings.ca
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