(For the purposes of this program, Aboriginal peoples include Status, Non-Status, Métis and Inuit people. Diverse cultural background refers to persons of African, Asian, Latin American or Middle Eastern origin.)
The Winnipeg Film Group’s Women’s Mosaic Film Project is a production support and film mentorship program to support two women from Aboriginal or diverse cultural backgrounds to produce a first or second independent short film or video. There are TWO awards available.

This award includes $2,500 to support living expenses over the five-month project period, $5,000 in cash to be used for development and production costs, $2,500 in services from the Winnipeg Film Group (workshops/training, equipment, cameras, studio rental, etc.) and the one-on-one assistance of a mentor who will receive an honourarium.
This program supports filmmakers who intend to work in narrative, experimental or documentary, or hybrid/cross-genre work on film or video. The award funding and timeframe is ideal to support a film or video that is 3-5 minutes.
Send Completed Application to:
Mosaic Women’s Film Project
Winnipeg Film Group
304 – 100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg MB R3B 1H3
Further Information Contact:
Mike Maryniuk
Production Programs Coordinator
T: 925-3455
E: mike@winnipegfilmgroup.com
The jury is comprised of experienced filmmakers, members of the local film community and members of Winnipeg’s diverse cultural arts community.
The jury process includes both an assessment of the submitted application materials as well as a direct interview with the applicants. The submitted letter of reference in support of each applicant will also assist in guiding the jury.
Applicants will submit one letter of reference from an individual within the film or arts community or from the applicant’s support community, who know the applicant personally and can attest to the benefit they will obtain from the program.
The jury will base their decision on the following criteria:
1. The artistic merit of the proposed project to be developed
2. The relevance of the project in relation to the applicant’s aspirations to become an independent filmmaker
3. Is the applicant clear about their intentions, and will the project fulfill those intentions?
4. Is the proposed project scope logistically feasible to achieve within the award parameters?
In the event of conflict-of-interest, the jurors will self-report this to the Chair and the Chair will record this in writing. The juror in conflict will not participate in discussions related to the applicant in question. Jury members report conflict-of-interest in the event they will or may benefit financially from the applicant’s project. Jurors can self-identify conflict of interest for other reasons, as well.
The jury decision is final and no appeals are allowed. The Winnipeg Film Group Board of Directors can, if requested, review the process and recorded conflict of interest process at their discretion.
Each of the TWO Women’s Mosaic Film Project awards is comprised of:
- $2,500 to support living expenses during the process over the five month period
- $5,000 to support direct development and production costs
- $2,500 in services from the WFG
- The mentorship of an experienced woman filmmaker or video artist (as appropriate to the context of the award recipients proposals) for
- A one year Full User membership with the WFG
Award recipients must ensure they meet the following obligations associated with their award:
1. The award recipient must sign a letter of agreement prior to accessing the award, confirming their commitment to meet the program obligations
2. Within one month after the project completion, the award recipient must submit a short final report to the approval of our Production Programs Coordinator, providing a narrative description of the total scope of work completed and the benefit of the award to the filmmaker’s career or aspirations. Failure to submit a final report to the approval of the Film Group will leave the project file open and will render the award recipient ineligible to apply to any further Film Group award fund programs until the file is appropriately closed.
3. Appropriate acknowledgement must be provided to the Winnipeg Film Group and the Canada Council for the Arts on any promotional materials related to the project developed, as well as on screen recognition on the completed work related to the project scope. Electronic logo files are available for this purpose.
The following recognition phrasing should be used: “This project was developed with the support of the Winnipeg Film Group’s Women’s Mosaic Film Project, funded by the Canada Council for the Arts.”
Submit everything in 8 x 11 paper or size; font should be 11 point or larger, if possible. DO NOT staple or bind any submitted materials, and do not insert materials into duo-tangs or binders. You can use paper clips, if desired. Mail or drop off applications; applications will not be accepted by fax or e-mail; submissions must be received at the Film Group offices by the deadline (not postmarked)
Download application form >>
Contact Information:
For inquiries: mike@winnipegfilmgroup.com
For submissions: Mosaic Women’s Film Project, Winnipeg Film Group, 304 – 100 Arthur Street, Winnipeg MB R3B 1H3
Website: http://www.winnipegfilmgroup.com
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