19 June 2011

Call for Poetry/ Fiction: Curvalicious Living Magazine (for women of all sizes)

Post date: 19 June 2011
Women of all sizes, ages, and backgrounds are celebrated in Curvalicious Living. Fiction works should reflect this. All fiction, er0tic fiction and poetry should feature strong, confident women and the issues these women face. However, special consideration will be given to fiction and poetry that features plus sized women.

Er0tic fiction should have storylines that are appealing to women. Explicit language is expected, but should be used in a tasteful manner that is applealing to women. A romantic thread to er0tic fiction is not required, nor is a "happy ever after" ending. Special consideration is given to er0tic fiction that features strong, confident plus sized women.

Length Guidelines:

Fiction and Er0tic Fiction: 1,500-5,000 words.

Poetry & Erotic Poetry: Any length up to 1,000 words. Poetry may be structured or freeform.

Genre Guidelines:

Fiction and Erotic Fiction can be of any subgenre, such as: General fiction, Chick-lit, romance, mystery, suspense, paranormal, urban fiction, science fiction, etc.

To submit an article, personal essay, work of fiction, or book excerpt please send us an email that includes your name and a brief bio that includes links to other works (if you have any published). Submissions should be attached to the email as an .doc (word document), .docx (Word 2010 document), or .rtf (rich text format document).

If you know an amazing woman you would like to interview or profile for our Amazing Curvalicious Women feature spot, please send a query letter with details about the woman and what the interview or profile would cover. Please include your name, email, and brief bio.

Please email submissions and queries to: submissions@curvaliciousliving.com

Contact Information:

For inquiries: submissions@curvaliciousliving.com

For submissions: submissions@curvaliciousliving.com

Website: http://curvaliciousliving.com
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.