Crossed Genres Publications is now accepting submissions for the anthology Fat Girl in a Strange Land, to be published in February 2012.
In line with our mission to publish progressive speculative fiction, we’re opening for submissions to our Fat Girl in a Strange Land anthology. For it, we’re seeking science fiction and fantasy short stories with fat female protagonists going places they’ve never been before.

Fat can’t just be a passing detail of the main character’s physical description. It should have an impact on the plot and character development. Just like in real life, fat should be an asset or a liability, or even more realistically, both over time.
Fat shouldn’t be the only thing the main character has going on. She has a life, responsibilities, and plans. Strange Land could be part of that, or it could interfere with that (or both), but either way, the consequences will affect her life globally.
Because Strange Land stories are adventures, there should be risk involved. The stakes should be high for her, just like they are for all adventurers. Also, the Strange Land may or may not be a physical location. It could take the form of a major shift in perspective, or some other dramatic alteration of her existing landscape.
Although speculative fiction is all about navigating uncharted territory, fat remains a relatively unexplored frontier. With Fat Girl in a Strange Land, we’re taking fat places it’s never been before.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 30, 2011.
* 2,000-6,000 words
* Science fiction and/or fantasy
* The main character must be an overweight (by the standards of the story’s world) girl or woman (any age).
* The main character must encounter or in some way experience a realm that’s unfamiliar to her.
* Single-spaced, extra line between paragraphs. Use italics for italics, bold for bold, etc. Please use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial. (no Courier please!)
* No simultaneous submissions. No reprints. Multiple submissions are okay.
* Submit stories via the submission form below.
Accepted stories will receive a flat $10 payment via Paypal. We take exclusive world ebook and print rights for 1 year, then non-exclusive rights for 1 additional year.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: questions @
For submissions: online here
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