Highly sought after by both women and men, the Clarions, named for the medieval trumpet known for its clarity, symbolize excellence in clear, concise communications. Clarion winners represent media companies large and small, leading corporations, small businesses, and nonprofit associations and institutions.
Started in 1972, the Clarions honor excellence in more than 100 categories across all communications disciplines, including advertising & marketing, audiovisual productions, books & CDs, brochures, custom & special publications, education, fund development, magazines, major news events, newsletters, newspapers, online media, photography, graphics & design communications, public relations, radio, and television. Check out the outstanding list of past winners, including the International Crystal Clarion Winner.
Entries will continue to be judged against the work of their peers in size and budget to ensure that everyone from the largest ad agency to the smallest newspaper is fairly considered. Please review the updated categories and entry requirements as there have been changes.
One Clarion Award is given in each category unless, in the opinion of the judge, no award is merited.
Communications professionals will evaluate entries for substance, style, originality and achievement of objective.
AWC reserves the right to move entries between categories.
More than half of any entry must have been published, broadcasted, or implemented between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2011.
The competition is open to all: women and men, individuals and organizations, AWC members and nonmembers alike.
While students may enter any category, AWC now offers a specific student section (#116, 117, 118, 119), where students will be competing against students, not working professionals. You may enter an assignment that was done for a class if it was developed for a client (not as an imaginary text book assignment). Also, as part of the student category, you may enter a project developed for a campus or a community group, or an independent project, such as a work submitted or presented as a speech, screenplay, play, story, media publication or broadcast.
All entries should be submitted online and must have the following:
- Entry Form (must be completed in order to submit entry)
- All entry materials described for the individual category
- Entry fee
- Synopsis detailing:
- Rationale/purpose
- Goals
- Budget/cost (please indicate if budget is confidential)
- Timeline
- Audience
- Applicable research
- Evaluation with measurable results
- All additional entry materials described for the individual category. Entries that do not contain all required information as indicated by the individual category requirements will be disqualified and the entry fee will not be returned.
- A list of the uploaded files accompanying the entry. Please note which entry requirement the uploaded file contains.
Entries that do not contain all required information as indicated by the individual category will be disqualified and entry fee will not be returned. Make sure you test all links and documents before uploading them!
Multiple entries may be submitted, but each entry must have its own entry form.
Label your files clearly so judges can easily determine which entry requirement the file represents.
Early Bird rate: (Entry forms, materials and fees must be submitted no later than March 31, 2012).
- $70 for Members, $30 for Student members
- $90 for Nonmembers, $45 for Students (nonmembers)
Regular rate: (Entry forms, materials and fees must be submitted no later than April 30, 2012).
- $85 for Members, $30 for Student members
- $120 for Nonmembers, $45 for Students (nonmember)
Multiple entries: (Entry forms, materials and fees must be submitted no later than April 30, 2012).
- 5% discount off applicable fees for 5 or more entries
- 10% discount off applicable fees for 10 or more entries
- 15% discount off applicable fees for 15 or more entries
For inquiries: clarion@womcom.org
For submissions: submit entries online here
Website: http://www.womcom.org
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