We do not publish materials online; everything will be exclusively in print format. We do not accept simultaneous submissions due to our fast response time of 2-4 weeks. Upon publication, you will receive a contributor's copy and a flat fee payment of $10.
Submission Guidelines: Works may be any length, though we prefer it not to exceed 3,000 words. Book excerpts are acceptable. We accept multiple submissions per individual, but each submission must be included in a separate e-mail. We do not accept attachments for written works (attachments for artwork is fine). As a new publication, we are willing to consider all works in the science fiction and fantasy genres. We prefer works either written by female authors or with a heavy female influence within the story itself.
We accept submissions year round.
To submit a piece for consideration, please respond to this posting (a query letter is unnecessary). A contract must be reviewed and accepted prior to publication.
For any additional questions, please also respond to this posting.
Location: Online
Compensation: $10 flat fee and one copy
For inquiries: jk7dw-2888345239@gigs.craigslist.org
For submissions: jk7dw-2888345239@gigs.craigslist.org
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.