28 March 2012

Call for Submissions: Reconceiving Black Motherhood (Demeter Press)

Post date: 28 March 2012
Deadline: 1 April 2012

Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection, Patricia Hill Collins: Reconceiving Black Motherhood (Editor: Kaila Adia Story, Publication Date: 2014)

In 1965 a then sociologist and eventual US senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan released his report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action. The report concluded that the Black family existed as a tangle of pathology, which struggled to make progress toward economic and political equality due to its deterioration of the concept of the nuclear family. Since the release of the report forty-six years ago, many Black feminists and motherhood scholars have elucidated the ways in which Moynihan’s conception of the Black family, in particular the Black mother, was couched in racist, classist, and sexist notions of the family and the institution of motherhood.

One such Black Feminist scholar was Patricia Hill Collins. In the spirit of Demeter Press and the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI), this anthology seeks to discuss the impact/influence/ and/or importance of Patricia Hill Collins on motherhood research. The goal of this edited collection is to add to the existing literature on Black Motherhood and the Black Family. In addition, this collection will raise critical questions about the social and cultural meanings of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and mothering.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: How has Hill Collins’ work disrupted or undone previous work about motherhood? How has Hill Collins’ work paved the way to understanding the institution of Black motherhood? How has Hill Collins discussed conceptions of Motherhood and agency in her work? What has Hill Collins’ work done to reconceptualize our ideas of Black mothers and fathers? Which aspect of Hill Collins’ work speaks to sexuality and conceptions of parenting? How can we unpack Hill Collins’ conception of “real mothers”? How does Hill Collins’ notion of the “new racism” relate to the institution of mothering? What does Hill Collins’ work do to move conversations of national identity and race forward? How has Hill Collins’ work allowed other motherhood scholars to rewrite the constellation of motherhood?

Submission Guidelines:
  • Please submit abstracts of 250 words and include your 50 word bio and citizenship
  • Deadline for Abstracts is April 1, 2012
  • Please send submissions and inquiries directly to: Kaila Adia Story: doctressstory@gmail.com


For inquiries: doctressstory@gmail.com

For submissions: doctressstory@gmail.com

Website: www.demeterpress.org
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