Your email should contain your name, manuscript title, type of novel, word count, a 1-2 paragraph blurb similar to what you might imagine the back cover of your book to read, and the first three paragraphs of your finished manuscript. (No formal synopses please. We hate reading them as much as you hate writing them!)
Response time: 10-12 weeks. Full-length novel guidelines are below. We read and respond to all queries, whether you have an agent or not, whether you are previously published or not.
There's nothing like a good romance novel with attractive characters, and we don't just mean physically. Heroes and heroines in Black Lyon contemporary romance novels have personality and depth of character. Heroines can come from all walks of life and have all sorts of interests. Settings should preferably be in America. Rural or urban - it doesn't matter. Traditional contemporary heroes such as businessmen and cowboys are welcome in our contemporaries, as are most other heroes. We accept fictional rockstar or moviestar heroes if the character does not demonstrate the lifestyle often associated with those professions. Sexual tension is vital, but we do enjoy sweet romances in the contemporary line. Manuscripts should not contain swearing beyond "damn" or "hell." Happy endings are mandatory. Manuscripts containing infidelity, abuse, addiction or similar behavior on the part of the two main characters will be rejected. Stories should be written in third-person and above all, be romantic. Readers should remember that feeling of falling in love simply by reading one of these books. 45,000 - 60,000 words.
Black Lyon paranormal romance heroes and heroines have elements in their personalities that set them apart from everyday people while still being firmly grounded in modern society. These paranormals should have a dark, sensuously gothic feel in addition to the romance element. Immortals, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, twisted fairy tales, Roman gods - whatever tickles your fancy as long as the characters are darkly creative and seductive. These are not sweet romances. Steamy sexuality is acceptable for this line, but keep in mind that this is not erotica, either. Happy endings are mandatory. Settings can be anywhere in the world - in exotic locales or in the characters' own backyards. Manuscripts containing infidelity, abuse, addiction or other offensive behavior on the part of the two main characters will be rejected. Stories should be written in third-person and above all, be romantic. Series ideas welcome. 60,000 - 80,000 words.
Unique heroes, but also standard heroes such as nobility or pirates work well in our historicals. Heroines should be bright and independent, yet believable given the time period. Settings include England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, though other exotic settings are definitely encouraged if well done. While settings in the 1000-1600 AD range are preferred, other timeframes are also accepted. Sexuality should be appropriate to the storyline. Happy endings are mandatory. Manuscripts containing infidelity, abuse, addiction or other offensive behavior on the part of the two main characters will be rejected. Stories should be written in third-person and above all, be romantic. 65,000 - 85,000 words.
For inquiries: Queries (at) BlackLyonPublishing (dot) com
For submissions: Queries (at) BlackLyonPublishing (dot) com
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