09 May 2011

Call For Submissions - In The Company of Women: Musings of Wit & Wisdom (Edgar and Lenore's Publishing House)

Post date: 09 May 2011
In late 2009, Apryl Skies and I had spent quite a bit of time collaborating on the idea of a "conversation" poem. The theme of the poem was based on the impact women in our lives have had on us both positively and negatively. In short; how did the presence of women, or a woman affect our thinking? How did they color our view of life and perhaps change the course of it?

A broad conversation that was clearly larger than ourselves. After much discussion, we felt that certainly, this was a conversation that needed far more than two voices; it needed a multitude of voices. And with so many women possessing so many touching stories, memories and thoughts, we felt it to be almost criminal not to include them in this conversation. And so, a new and exciting journey has begun.

We have been and are currently accepting submissions to be included in this project entitled,
“In The Company of Women”; an anthology project written by women of wit and wisdom, that is very dear to us.

If you would care to submit your poetry, short stories, quotes, memoirs, recipes, musings, or even some photos/artwork for consideration that would reflect the impact of a woman or women on your life, please send them to me at celticslunatic@hotmail.com, or to Apryl Skies at eappublishing@gmail.com. You can also send your submissions to us here, via our Facebook pages. Please make sure you put the word “submission” in the subject line, and please send no more than five pieces.

We are anticipating publication of this anthology in early 2012 and would love to hear from you wise and witty women!

Contact Information:

For inquiries: celticslunatic@hotmail.com or eapublishing@gmail.com

For submissions: celticslunatic@hotmail.com or eapublishing@gmail.com

Website: http://edgarandlenores.blogspot.com
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.