02 February 2011

Established Lifestyle/ News Magazine Seeks Fashion and Shopping Writers (Canada)

Post date: 02 February 2011
Reply to: job-6chhb-2193418452@craigslist.org

We are an established lifestyle/news magazine looking to expand our online presence. We are looking for fashion-savvy bloggers to write short, fun posts about Toronto's fashion and shopping scene. Compensation is $10-$15 per post to start (possibly more for complex stories with photos), but as we grow, the online budget will expand, so loyal bloggers will start to see some rewards. Most of these posts can be done from home.

We are looking for bloggers who understand the basics of journalism (timeliness, accuracy, etc) and are willing to pitch and post around once per day.

Bloggers who are particularly apt may find opportunities to write for our print publication.

Those interested should respond with a short summary of relevant experience, along with links to published work, if possible.

Location: Toronto

Compensation: $10-$15 per post to start

Telecommuting is ok.

More information here.
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