09 January 2011

Lyrical Press Actively Seeking Er0tica and Romance Fiction

Post date: 09 January 2011
What we're looking for:

Our main focus is Er0tica and Romance. Below is a list of all the sub-genres we are actively acquiring:

* Er0tica
* Fantasy
* Historical
* Horror
* Humor
* Mystery
* Paranormal
* Science Fiction


We will only consider completed works. No partials or proposals. There is no need to query first. Just send the full manuscript as prescribed below. Please include the following information in your cover email:

* Name
* Pen name
* Contact phone
* Working title (include series name and details if applicable)
* Word count
* Genre(s)
* A short blurb (no more than three paragraphs, please)

Please attach the following to your email:

* The book, in its entirety
* Two-page synopsis, attached separately
* All submissions should be sent to: submissions@lyricalpress.com


* Please name your book file BOOKTITLE_sub
* Please name your synopsis file BOOKTITLE_syn


* File type: .rtf or .doc only
* 12pt black font (Times New Roman, Cambria or Georgia preferred)
* Line spacing: 1.5 (or Multiple 1.25")
* Margins: 1" all
* One space between sentences, not two, please.
* No double-spaces or extra returns between paragraphs
* Use your word processing functions to indent new paragraphs. Do not tab or use the space bar.
* Page-breaks between chapters
* Do not use style elements or sections breaks

Please do include a title page listing the following information:

* Name
* Pen name
* Contact phone
* Working title (include series name and details if applicable)
* Word count
* Genre(s)


A few pointers to help you help yourself before submitting.

* Use spell check. (You'd be surprised how many don't.)
* No bold, underlined or other special fonts except italic, used only where appropriate.
* Point-of-view: We prefer first or third person. Limit point-of-view to essential characters. POV impossibilities a/o most head-hopping within scenes will make editors cry.
* Punctuation: Again, keep it simple. Avoid clusters of emdashes a/o ellipses.
* Repetitive word use: Check carefully for repeated words and phrases in proximity and throughout the work.
* Unnecessary words: Common offenders are that, had, and, really, very, little, then, and then, just, about, against, so, all, but, like, and was/were.
* Sentence structure: Generally speaking, it should be varied to avoid striking uncomfortable rhythms. Beware paragraphs with every sentence starting with articles a/o pronouns. Beware any overabundance of present progressive verb tense, possessive pronouns, -ly adverbs and prepositional phrases.
* Dialogue tags: Sometimes, less really is more. Not every line needs a tag, and "said" and "asked" are just fine. Use a good mix of action a/o speaker attribution tags. Seek balance and clarity when distributing front, middle or end.

Call for submissions: BD SM and multiple partner works

Lyrical Press is actively acquiring erotic tales with a strong focus on BD SM and/or multiple partners.

BD SM - Let your imagination run wild. Explore the darker side of s3xuality. Shed all inhibitions and give free reign to your secret fantasi3s. Entangle us in a world where s3xual boundaries are pushed and readers can dance on a razor's edge of s3x and danger.

Sensuality level: Red hot

Length: 30,000 – 95,000 words

Key Characteristics: Strong s3xual relationship between main characters. Elements of b0ndage and S&M that explore the dominant/submissive roles of a BD SM relationship. Multiple partners acceptable.

Submissions eMail: submissions@lyricalpress.com

Multiple Partners – If one lover is fun, two lovers are double the pleasure… or triple, or quadruple! The more the merrier, we here at Lyrical Press say. Just how many men does it take to pl3asure one woman? How many women can one man handle? Our readers are dying to find out!

Sensuality level: Red hot

Length: 30,000 – 95,000 words

Key Characteristics: Strong s3xual relationship between multiple main characters.

Submissions eMail: submissions@lyricalpress.com

More information here.
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