TALL DARK ROAST is a unique online magazine focused on art, design, fashion and lifestyle. We are currently looking for new contributors to write original, interesting posts for our Fashion + Style section.
You would be very interested in high fashion, current trends, new designers, and international brands. We are looking for innovative content which fits the theme of our site. Please visit www.talldarkroast.com for an idea of our aesthetic.
Minimum three to four posts a month (around once a week) would be needed.
This would be a collaborative effort, and we are open to have you write about topics which may interest you, however there may be the occasional assignment, which you would be free to accept or turn down.
Looking for a high energy, dedicated writer/blogger who understands the importance of daily niche content, and is interested in contributing to a high traffic site with lots of room for growth.
Deadline: Feb 1, 2011
Email: talldarkroast (at) gmail (.) com
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.