11 October 2010

Paying Market: Wordrunner Chapbooks Seeks Memoirs

Post date: 11 October 2010
Deadline: 21 November 2010

Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks publishes online collections of fiction, poetry or memoir (personal narrative) quarterly. Guidelines are different for each collection, so please visit again.

Submissions will be open for the December MEMOIR / PERSONAL NARRATIVE echapbook from October 1 through November 21, 2010.

The prose narratives should be based on personal experience and written from 1st person point of view. They may be flash or longer, from 600 up to 2,500 words each, totalling a minimum of approximately 8,000 and a maximum of 16,000 words for the collection.

These narratives should belong together for some reason, be it theme, location or people. Each piece should be original and compelling. They can be funny or serious, or both, but something should have changed for the narrator or have been learned in the process of reshaping that experience.

See the online journal Memoir(and) for the quality of writing we want. Submit your best work only.

At least half of the collection should be previously unpublished. (But no stories need be previously published.)

Email manuscripts to editor@echapbook.com with MEMOIR SUBMISSION in the subject line. Attach only ONE FILE (Word or WordPerfect or RTF), which includes a title for the collection and a list of contents, followed by the essays. In the email, indicate which, if any pieces, were previously published and where. Do NOT include your name in the document, as this will be a blind reading.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but only one chapbook collection per author. Please notify Wordrunner Electronic Chapbooks if your collection, or any part of it, is accepted elsewhere.

If you would like to receive quarterly email reminders of newly published e-chapbooks, write to echaps@wordrunner.com to be added to the mailing list.

There is no fee for open submissions.

Payment, per echapbook: $65.

All rights revert to authors.

More information here.
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