10 September 2010

Call for Submissions: CALYX, A Journal of Art and Literature by Women

Post date: 10 September 2010
Deadline: 31 December 2010

CALYX, A Journal of Art and Literature by Women, accepts submissions of poetry, short fiction, visual art, essays, reviews, and interviews. The writer's/artist's guidelines are as follows:

The ANNUAL open submission period for prose and poetry for CALYX Journal is October 1 - December 31 (postmark dates). We are ALWAYS open for ART submissions and BOOK REVIEWS.

Prose (includes essays) should be double-spaced and not exceed 5,000 words

Poetry submissions are limited to 6 poems.

Interviews should be double-spaced and limited to 2,500 words.

Book Reviews should be double-spaced and from 500 to a maximum of 1,000 words. Reviews of chapbooks should be limited to 50-100 words. If you are interested in reviewing books, please send a resume, published samples of review writing, and an SASE. After reviewing these, we will contact you about the book review list. We’re always open for reviews.

Visual Art should be submitted (1) electronically—via CD or E-mail; or (2) 5"x7" or 8"x10" glossy photographs; or (3) 35mm slides. Separate guidelines for electronic art are available. Limit of 6 images and/or slides and/or photos. All art media are considered. Please include list of all images/photos/ slides with your name, titles, media, dimensions. Also mark the top of the work. Make sure all the proper information is included when sending art electronically. Include a 50-word biographical statement AND a separate 50-word statement about your artwork. Submit art separately from prose and poetry. WE PUBLISH COLOR ART INSIDE CALYX JOURNAL NOW.

ALL SUBMISSIONS (prose, poetry, art, reviews) should include author's name on each page and be accompanied by a brief (50-word or less) biographical statement, a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope with “forever stamp”), phone number, and e-mail address. Even if you indicate that it is unnecessary to return your submission(s), please enclose a SASE for your notification. Prose and poetry should be submitted separately with separate SASEs for each submission category.

Send materials to:

CALYX Journal
PO Box B
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

CALYX assumes no responsibility for submissions received without adequate return postage, packaging, or proper identification labels. CALYX can respond to submission queries accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope or by email. We only accept electronic submissions for art submissions and prose and poetry from overseas. Every effort is made to respond to submissions in a timely manner, but CALYX receives a large number of submissions when open, and it may take six to nine months to read and review everything received. Simultaneous submissions are accepted.

A contributor’s payment for publication in CALYX Journal includes copies of the issue (re pages published in Journal) and a one-volume subscription following that issue.

More information here.
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