Deadline: 31 May 2012
NIKE, the official publication of New York State Women, Inc. announces the Catherine Raycroft Creative Writer’s Award. Anyone submitting an original article for publication in any issue of Nike between September and May is eligible. The wisdom, knowledge and experience of our members are resources yet to be tapped. So, in the spirit of “women helping women” let’s share our stories so we can learn from each other.
A spring board for your thoughts might come from addressing mission statement focus themes: building powerful women…Professionally (i.e. Careers, retirement, owning a business, marketing oneself), Personally (i.e. financial, entertainment, travel, child and elder care) and Politically (i.e. community involvement, voting, lobbying, running for government office). How about the humorist in you, do you have a entertaining story to share for a future issue?
Article submission guidelines can be located on our website or contact the Editor at Based on submissions, Award will be presented at the Annual State Conference.
(Note: We tried locating the submission guidelines at the website but did not find any. Please just e-mail to request for the guidelines.)
For inquiries: